This moment marks a great day in history. After eight years of "blogging" (before the term "blog" was coined, I'm sure) on LiveJournal, I have reached a new level of boredom. Hell, I even had a Xanga at some point. I lied. I still have it, but only to read my friend Allen's Xanga posts as he documents his life as an LA-loving, Texas-film-school-attending young adult. (sidenote: be on the lookout in the coming years for an up-and-coming director: Allen Ho.) Nothing seems to satisfy my
thirst addiction to blogging. I plan to take over them all: LiveJournal, Xanga, and now Blogspot.
I haven't yet decided what I should post about. Much like the rest of my life, I doubt that this blog will have any direction at all.

I'll start by introducing this lovely photo, taken many many years ago by someone else at a lake near my aunt's house. Serene, no? Well, before you all sigh and turn into mush...
Topic #1: The Lomography "ActionSampler"
I think Lomography and their line of cameras is the hipster's ticket to calling themselves "photographers." How many Myspace hipsters have you seen carrying these around? The trend also seems to be that any sort of event held on grass: be it outdoor concerts, barbeques, or carnivals, you will see drugged out kids waving around their Lomography camera so as to create that "action" look you see in so many photos. My photographer, however, seems to have failed on that look, seeing as how each frame is exactly the same. Minus 2 for that. Plus 1, however, for the grass setting. Looks like you're well on your way to being Cobrasnake.
Hey, the ActionSampler in that photo is mine. Does that mean I can be a hipster too? I even bought it at The Getty! Shouldn't that be, like, extra hipster points for being extra artsy? (I guess the point of having a blog is so you can ask rhetorical questions and have the option of answering or not answering them. I will opt not to answer this one.)
Topic #2: Why anyone wanted to make out with me is a mystery
Now, what is up with my shorts in that photo? Hell, my whole outfit should be burned. Granted I was 19, still had the body of a prepubescent boy, and the confidence level of, well, a 19-year old, this is still not enough justification for me to not want to burn delete all photos from that time period. Let me explain the sheer horror that is my outfit in that photo: Jack Purcells, olive-toned canvas shorts, and a white wifebeater. My idea of personal style was: cheap knee-length skirts purchased at swap meets, Chuck Taylors and Sambas, topped off with a mis-matched shirt most likely taken from my parents' closet and a newsboy cap over my short, choppy hair. Shannyn Sossamon was my fashion icon at the time, but I think I still failed on trying to emulate that look.
The only two things I've taken from that era: rocking my parents' clothes, and recently turning one of those swap-meet-skirts into a dress. It's a blessing in disguise that I grew into the body of a woman gained too much weight since then to wear anything else (the excuse I gave my Asian mother -- please note Asian mother -- when I tossed giant bags-full of clothes out last summer).
My current fashion icons? The obvious ones come to mind. Kate Moss. Emmanuelle Alt. Kate Lanphear. And Mary Kate and/or Ashley Olsen depending on their/my mood. Not to mention my dear friend and inspiration, Nancy Kim.