I know this is a bit late but I figured I should write this down somewhere before I forget:
1. Write/produce a complete song.
2. Get really good at pool.
3. Paint a masterpiece.
4. After 10+ years of dreaming, finally master the art of turntablism.
5. Travel as much as I possibly can.
6. Continue making lemonade out of lemons.
7. As John would say: "Grab life by the horns."
That's about it.
did you make these resolutions as you have already been accomplishing them? hahaha
love love love I forgot to say that since I abandoned my blog I started a tumblr! nancykim.tumblr.com
allen: no, actually. these were real new years resolutions i made on my drive on the 57 freeway somewhere around new years day. i just never got around to writing them down.
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